Act 1
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats
Are you blind when you're born? Can you see
in the dark?
Can you look at a king? Would you sit on his throne?
Can you say of your bite that it's worse than your
Are you cock of the walk when you're walking alone?
Because Jellicles are and Jellicles do
do and Jellicles would
Jellicles would and Jellicles can
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
When you fall on your head, do you land on your
Are you tense when you sense there's a storm in the air?
Can you find your way blind when you're lost in the street?
you know how to go to the Heaviside Layer?
Because Jellicles can and Jellicles do
do and Jellicles can
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
Jellicles do and Jellicles can
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
Can you ride on a broomstick to places far distant?
with candle, with book and with bell?
Were you Whittington's friend? The Pied Piper's assistant?
Have you been an alumnus
of heaven or hell?
Are you mean like a minx?
Are you lean like
a lynx?
Are you keen to be seen when you're smelling a rat?
Were you there when the pharoahs commissioned the Sphinx?
you were and you are, you're a Jellicle Cat!
Jellicle songs for Jellicle
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
We can dive through the air like a flying trapeze
can turn double somersaults, bounce on a tire
We can run up the wall, we can swing through the trees
We can balance
on bars, we can walk on a wire
Jellicles can and Jellicles
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
Jellicles can
and Jellicles do
Jellicle songs for Jellicle
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
songs for Jellicle cats
Can you sing at the same time in more than one
Duets by Rossini and waltzes by Strauss
And can you (as cats do) begin with a C
That always triumphantly brings
down the house
Jellicle cats are queens of the night
at astronomical heights
Handling pieces from the Messiah
Hallelujah, angelical choir
The mystical divinity of unashamed felinity
the cathedral rang "Vivat!"
Life to the everlasting cat!
Feline, fearless, faithful and true
To others who do what
Jellicles do and Jellicles
Jellicles can and Jellicles do
Jellicle cats sing Jellicle chants
Jellicles old and Jellicles new
song and Jellicle dance
Jellicle songs for Jellicle
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
songs for Jellicle cats
Practical cats, dramatical cats
cats, fanatical cats
Oratorical cats, delphioracle cats
Skeptical cats, dispeptical cats
Romantical cats, pedantical
Critical cats, parasitical cats
Allegorical cats, metaphorical cats
Statistical cats and mystical cats
cats, hypocritical cats
Clerical cats, hysterical cats
Cynical cats, rabbinical cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
There's a man over there
with a look of surprise,
As much as to say, "Well now how about that!"
Do I actually see with my own very eyes
man who's not heard of a Jellicle cat?
What's a Jellicle cat? What's a Jellicle cat?
What's a Jellicle cat?
The Naming of Cats
The naming of cats is a difficult matter
isn't just one of your holiday games
You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter
When I tell you a cat must have three
different names
First of all, there's the name that the family
use daily
Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James
Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey
All of them
sensible, everyday names
There are fancier names if you think they sound
Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames
Such as Plato, Admetas, Electra, Demeter
But all of them sensible
everyday names
But I tell you a cat needs a name that's particular
name that's peculiar, and more dignified
Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular
Or spread out his whiskers,
or cherish his pride?
Of names of this kind, I can give you a quorum
as Munkustrap, Quaxo or Coricopat
Such as Bombalurina, or else Jellylorum
Names that never belong to more than one cat
But above and beyond there's still one name
left over
And that is the name that you never will guess
The name that no human research can discover
But the cat
himself knows, and will never confess
When you notice a cat in profound meditation
reason, I tell you, is always the same:
His mind is engaged in a rapt contemplation
Of the thought
Of the thought
the thought
Of his name
His ineffable effable effanineffable
and inscrutable singular name
The Invitation to the Jellicle
Jellicle Cats come out tonight
Jellicle Cats
come one come all
The Jellicle moon is shining bright
Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball
Jellicle Cats come out tonight
come to the Jellicle Ball
Jellicle Cats meet once a year
At the Jellicle
Ball where we all rejoice
And the Jellicle Leader will soon appear
And make what is known as the Jellicle Choice
Old Deuteronomy, just before dawn
Through a silence you feel you could cut with a knife
Announces the cat who can now
be reborn
And come back to a different Jellicle Life
For waiting up there is the Heaviside Layer
Full of wonders
one Jellicle only will see
And Jellicles ask because Jellices dare:
Who will it be?
Who will it be?
The Old Gumbie Cat
I have a Gumbie Cat in mind
Her name is Jennyanydots
coat is of the tabby kind with tiger stripes and leopard spots
All day she sits beneath the stair or on the steps or on
the mat
She sits and sits and sits and sits
And that's what makes a Gumbie Cat
That's what makes a Gumbie Cat!
But . . .
When the day's hustle and bustle
is done
Then the Gumbie Cat's work is but hardly begun
And when all the family's in bed and asleep
She tucks up her
skirts to the basement to creep
She is deeply concerned with the ways of the mice
Their behaviour's not good and their
manners not nice
So when she has got them lined up on the matting
She teaches them music, crocheting and tatting
I have a Gumbie Cat in mind
Her name is Jennyanydots
curtain cord she likes to wind and tie it into sailor knots
She sits upon the windowsill or anything that's smooth and
She sits and sits and sits and sits
And that's what makes a Gumbie Cat
That's what makes a Gumbie Cat!
But . . .
When the day's hustle and bustle
is done
Then the Gumbie Cat's work is but hardly begun
She thinks that the cockroaches just need employment
To prevent
them from idle and wanton destroyment
So she's formed from that lot of disorderly louts
A troop of well disciplined
helpful boy scouts
With a purpose in life and a good deed to do
And she's even created a Beetles Tattoo!
For she's a jolly good fellow!
Thank you my dears!
The Rum Tum Tugger
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
If you offer me pheasant I'd rather have grouse
you put me in a house I would much prefer a flat
If you put me in a flat then I'd rather have a house
If you set me
on a mouse then I only want a rat
If you set me on a rat then I'd rather chase a mouse
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
And there
isn't any call for me to shout it
For he will do as he do do
And there's no doing anything about it!
The Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore
When you let me in, then I want to go out
always on the wrong side of every door
And as soon as I'm at home, then I'd like to get about
I like to lie in the bureau
But I make such a fuss if I can't get out
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
And it
isn't any use for you to doubt it
For he will do as he do do
And there's no doing anything about it!
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious beast
My disobliging ways are a matter of habit
if you offer me fish then I always want a feast
When there isn't any fish then I won't eat rabbit
If you offer me cream
then I sniff and sneer
But I only like what I find for myself
So you'll catch me in it right up to my ears
If you
put it away on the larder shelf
The Rum Tum Tugger is artful and knowing
Rum Tum Tugger doesn't care for a cuddle
But I'll leap in your lap in the middle of your sewing
For there's nothing
I enjoy like a horrible muddle!
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
The Rum
Tum Tugger doesn't care for a cuddle
The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat
And there
isn't any need for me to spout it
For he will do as he do do
And there's no doing anything about it!
Remark the Cat who hesitates towards you
the light of the door which opens on her like a grin
You see the border of her coat is torn and stained with sand
you see the corner of her eye twist like a crooked pin
She haunted many a low resort
Near the grimy
road of Tottenham Court
She flitted about the No Man's Land
From "The Rising Sun" to "The Friend at Hand"
And the
postman sighed as he scratched his head
You'd really had thought she ought to be dead
And who would ever suppose that
Was Grizabella the glamour cat?
Grizabella, the glamour cat
Grizabella, the
glamour cat
Who would ever suppose that that
Was Grizabella the glamour cat?
Bustopher Jones
Bustopher Jones is not skin and bones
fact, he's remarkably fat
He doesn't haunt pubs - he has eight or nine clubs
For he's the St. James's Street Cat!
He's the cat we all greet as he walks down the
In his coat of fastidious black
No commonplace mousers have such well-cut trousers
Or such an impeccable back
In the whole of St. James's the smartest of
names is
The name of this Brummel of cats
And we're all of us proud to be nodded or bowed to
By Bustopher Jones in
white spats
In the whole of St. James's the smartest of
names is
The name of this Brummel of cats
And we're all of us proud to be nodded or bowed to
By Bustopher Jones in
white spats
My visits are occasional to the Senior Educational
And it is against the rules
For any one cat to belong
both to that
And the Joint Superior Schools
For a similar reason when game is in season
I'm found not at Fox's but
I am frequently seen at the gay Stage and Screen
Which is famous for winkles and shrimps
In the season of venison I give my ben'son
the Pothunter's succulent bones
And just before noon's not a moment too soon
To drop in for a drink at the Drones
I'm seen in a hurry there's probably curry
At the Siamese or at the Glutton
If I look full of gloom then I've lunched
at the Tomb
On cabbage, rice pudding and mutton
In the whole of St. James's is the smartest
of names is
The name of this Brummel of cats
And we're all of us proud to be nodded or bowed to
By Bustopher Jones
in white
Bustopher Jones in white
Bustopher Jones in white spats
So, much in this way passes Bustopher's day
one club or another he's found
It can be no surprise that under our eyes
He has grown unmistakably round
He's a twenty-five
pounder, or I am a bounder
And he's putting on weight everyday
But I'm so well preserved because I've observed
my life a routine, and I'd say
I am still in the prime, I shall last out my time
That's the word from the stoutest of
It must and it shall be spring in Pall Mall
Bustopher Jones wears white
Bustopher Jones wears white
Bustopher Jones wears white spats!
Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer
Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer
We're a notorious
couple of cats
As knockabout clowns, quick-change comedians
Tight-rope walkers and acrobats
We have an extensive
We make our home in Victoria Grove
This is merely our centre of operation
For we are incurably given to
When the family assembles for Sunday dinner
their minds made up that they won't get thinner
On Argentine joint, potatoes and greens
And the cook will appear from
behind the scenes
And say in a voice that is broken with sorrow,
"I'm afraid you must wait and have dinner tomorrow!
the joint has gone from the oven like that!"
The family will say, "It's that horrible cat!
Was it Mungojerrie or Rumpelteazer!"
most of the time they leave it at that
Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer have a wonderful
way of working together
And some of the time you would say it was luck
And some of the time you would say it was weather
go through the house like a hurricane
And no sober person could take his oath
Was it Mungojerrie or Rumpelteazer?
could you have sworn that it mightn't be both?
And when you hear a dining room smash
Or up from the pantry there comes
a loud crash
Or down from the library there comes a loud ping
From a vase which was commonly said to be Ming
family will say: "Now which was which cat?
It was Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer!"
And there's nothing at all to be done
about that!
Old Deuteronomy
I believe it is Old Deuteronomy!
Well, of all things, can it be really?
No! Ho! Hi! Oh, my eye!
My mind may be wandering, but I confess
I believe it is Old Deuteronomy!
Old Deuteronomy's lived a long time
a cat who has lived many lives in succession
He was famous in proverb and famous in rhyme
A long while before Queen
Victoria's accession
Old Deuteronomy's buried nine wives
And more - I am tempted to say ninety-nine
And his numerous
progeny prospers and thrives
And the village is proud of him in his decline
At the sight of that placid and bland physiognomy
he sits in the sun on the vicarage wall
The Oldest Inhabitant croaks
Well, of all
things, can it be really?
Yes! No! Ho! Hi! Oh, my eye!
My mind may be wandering, but I confess
I believe it is Old
Well, of all things, can it be really?
No! Ho! Hi! Oh, my eye!
My mind may be wandering, but I confess
I believe it is Old Deuteronomy!
Well, of all things, can it be really?
No! Ho! Hi! Oh, my eye!
My mind may be wandering, but I confess
I believe it is Old Deuteronomy!
Well, of all things, can it be really?
No! Ho! Hi! Oh, my eye!
My legs may be tottery, I must go slow
be careful of Old Deuteronomy!
Jellicle Cats meet once a year
On the night we make the Jellicle Choice
And now that the Jellicle leader is here
Jellicle Cats can all rejoice!
The Pekes and the Pollicles
Of the aweful battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles
with some account
Of the participation
Of the Pugs and the Poms
And the intervention of the Great Rumpus Cat
The Pekes and the Pollicles, everyone knows
proud and implacable passionate fores
It is always the same, wherever one goes
And the Pugs and the Poms, althought
most people say
That they do not like fighting, yet once in a way
They now and again join into the fray
And they
Bark, bark, bark, bark
bark, bark, bark
Until you can hear them all over the Park
Now on the occasion of which I shall speak
nothing had happened for nearly a week
And that's a long time for a Pol or a Peke
The big Police Dog was away from his
I don't know the reason, but most people think
He'd slipped into the Wellington's Arms for a drink
And no one
at all was about on the street
When a Peke and a Pollicle happened to meet
They did not advance or exactly retreat
they glared at each other, and scraped their hind feet
And started to
Bark, bark, bark, bark
bark, bark, bark
Until you can hear them all over the Park
And they
Bark, bark, bark, bark
bark, bark, bark
Until you can hear them all over the Park
Now the Peke although people may say what they
Is no British Dog, but a Heathen Chinese
And so all the Pekes, when they heard the uproar
Some came to the
window, some came to the door
There were surely a dozen, more likely a score
And together they started to grumble and
In their huffery-snuffery Heathen Chinese
But a terrible din is what Pollicles like
For your Pollicle Dog
is a dour Yorkshire tyke
There are dogs out of every nation
The Irish, the Welsh and the Dane
The Russian, the Dutch,
the Dalmatian
And even from China and Spain,
The Poodle, the Pom, the Alsatian
And the mastiff who wakls on a chain
to those that are frisky and frollical
Let my meaning be perfectly plain
That my name it is Little Tom Pollicle
you'd better not do it again
And his braw Scottish cousins are snappers and
And every dog-jack of them notable fighers
And so they stepped out, with their pipers in order
Playing When
the Blue Bonnets Come Over the Border
Then the Pug and the Poms held no longer aloof
some from the balcony, some from the roof
Join to the din
With a
Bark, bark, bark, bark
Bark, bark,
bark, bark
Until you can hear them all over the Park
Until you can hear them all over the Park
When these bold heroes together assembled
traffic all stopped, and the Underground trembled
And some of the neighbours were so much afraid
That they started to
ring up the Fire Brigade
When suddenly, up from the a small basement flat
Why who should stalk out but the Great Rumpus
His eyes were like fireballs fearfully blazing
gave a great yawn, and his jaws were amazing
And when he looked out through the bars of the area
You never saw anything
fiercer or hairier
And what with the glare of his eyes and his yawning
The Pekes and the Pollicles quickly took warning
looked at the sky and he gave a great leap
And they every last one of them scattered like sheep
And when the Police Dog returned to his beat,
wasn't a single one left in the street.
All hail and all power to the Great Rumpus Cat!
The Jellicle Ball
Jellicle Cats and dogs all must
Pollicle dogs
and cats all must
Like undertakers come to dust!
Jellicle Cats come out tonight
Jellicle Cats
come one, come all
The Jellicle Moon is shining bright
Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball
Jellicle Cats are black and white
Cats are rather small
Jellicle Cats are merry and bright
And pleasant to hear when we caterwaul
Jellicle Cats have cheerful faces
Cats have bright black eyes
We like to practice our airs and graces
And wait for the Jellicle Moon to rise
Jellicle Cats develop slowly
Jellicle Cats
are not too big
Jellicle Cats are roly poly
We know how to dance a gavotte and a jig
Until the Jellicle Moon appears
make our toilette and take our repose
Jellicles wash behind their ears
Jellicles dry between their toes
Jellicle Cats are white and black
Cats are of moderate size
Jellicles jump like a jumping jack
Jellicle Cats have moonlit eyes
We're quiet enough in the morning hours
quiet enough in the afternoon
Reserving our terpsichorean powers
To dance by the light of the Jellicle Moon
Jellicle Cats are black and white
Cats (as we said) are small
If it happens to be a stormy night
We will pracitce a caper or two in the hall
If it happens the sun is shining bright
would say we had nothing to do at all
We are resting and saving ourselves to be right
For the Jellicle Moon and the
Jellicle Ball
Jellicle Cats come out tonight
Jellicle Cats
come one, come all
The Jellicle Moon is shining bright
Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball
Jellicle Cats come out tonight
Jellicle Cats
come one, come all
The Jellicle Moon is shining bright
Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball
Grizabella: The Glamour
You see the border of her coat
Is torn and
stained with sand
And you see the corner of her eye twist
Like a crooked pin.
Not a sound from the pavement
the moon lost her memory?
She is smiling alone
In the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet
And the wind
begins to moan
Every streetlamp seems to beat a fatalistic
Someone mutters and the streetlamp gutters
And soon it will be morning
All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old
I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again